I happened across the instruction to make this while digging through some old stuff last night. It was all scribbled down, so I do not even know who to give credit to. I do know it's been in my stash for quite some time now (we're talking years). It took a bit of doing to decipher my own scribbles, but I think I figured it out (or at least I made something up that worked!)
I even took pictures as I went so I could tell you how to go about making one for yourself!
1. Cut two chipboard pieces 8 1/2" x 5 1/2" and two pieces 1/2" x 5 1/2"
2. Cut 4 pieces of cardstock 9 1/8" x 5 1/2" (I used 2 of one color and 2 of another color).
3. Attach 1 large and 1 small piece chipboard to back side of cardstock leaving a small space between the two chipboard pieces (see photo). Do this with the other set also.
4. Cover back side of chipboard with other pieces of cardstock.
5. Cut a piece of cardstock 7" x 5 1/2". Score at 1/2" intervals along the 7" edge. Accordion fold.
6. Trim 7 paper lunch bags to about 8" in length.
7. Decorate all 7 bags as desired (make sure to leave a "pocket" with the bottom of the bag). Punch 1/2 circle out of the front of each bag end as shown.
8. Attach bags to the accordion folded cardstock (attach one side only).
9. Attach front and back covers on the outside of the accordion folded cardstock and decorate cover as desired.
10. Attach about 30" of ribbon to back cover to tie album shut (I used liquid glass).
12. If desired, create mini 3 1/2" x 5" albums using notecards for each day of the week and put in "pockets" of each paper bag. *To re-use the album, just replace the mini albums for each day.
It really is not as difficult as it may seem. If you follow the pictures, it's not bad at all. Let me know, I would be happy to teach a class to make one of these albums!
Happy Scrappin'
December 2022 Winners and Final Goodbye
2 years ago
This is amazing! I am so thankful that you made one of these for me! I am working on filling it up now! I love it, love it, love it. THANK YOU! I am so happy you cruisebooked with us! Miss you tons already.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Tina! I had a great time and can't wait to see all those wonderful ladies again! I am glad you liked your travel journal!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing your 12 tips. I love them. I will follow this tips from the next time.
ReplyDeleteLove your blog.