Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thank you cards

Well, my first day back to work didn't go too awful bad. It really wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Now, it wasn't fun by any means, but it wasn't all bad either. I'm sure my checkbook will be telling me "thank you!"

I got home from work and went out and mowed the lawn. I feel much better now that it's done. I love how it looks when it's freshly mowed. This was the first time of the year (it probably needed it about a week ago, but...you know how it goes :)Then I went downstairs and finished making the hundred thank you cards I started earlier in the week. They are all addressed and ready to send out tomorrow. What a good feeling to get so much accomplished in a day. Maybe I should have gone back to work a while ago to accomplish more!?!?! Not!!!These are some very simple cards, but sometimes less is more. I love how easy these are to put together, but they also look good.

OK, off to work again today...

Happy Scrappin'


  1. These cards are beautiful. Thanks for sharing! And you're right, sometimes less is more;)

  2. They are simple but I think they are absolutely CUTE!!!! I may just have to scrap-lift these bad boys!!! Great work and kudos for doing so many!

  3. more is definately less...beautiful cards.
