Monday, December 21, 2009

Last minute little gifty items

Here are a couple more little last minute gifty items for my nieces. Their Disney Dollars arrived, so I can breathe easy now! Their stockings are finished and now I just had to make a couple more little things for them to take with them on their trip.

Everyone knows that it helps to chew gum on the plane to help your ears pop, right? Well, I think they needed some special Disney gum for the trip. I altered these gum packages for them to take along. I think they'll like them.Then, just for a little fun, I also altered some TicTacs for them to take along. Who doesn't like TicTacs, especially with Mickey Mouse on them.Stay tuned tomorrow for another little 3x3 album I made.

Happy Scrappin'


  1. These are adorable. You're pretty creative. I think you spoil your nieces rotten!! They are pretty lucky to have a aunt like you! Just one you think their mom and dad will get to share their gum and mints?

  2. CUTE CUTE stuff! I may scraplift!! Ill give you credit of course! Your blog is really good!

  3. Tammy, This post is THE CUTEST I have ever seen. I think you outdid yourself this time.

  4. Thanks for the great idea with the Tic Tacs. Since my daughter and I are leaving on Sunday for a trip to Orlando (and WDW) with her school band, I copied your idea or some roommate gifts.
